Friday, June 7, 2013

We're baaacckk!!

So I know it's been a while.  I'm not the best at writing consistently but I will try to work on it!
Kyle and I are living well down in Ogden, Utah.  I just finished my first year of teaching junior high FACS and am very glad for the time to relax. :) It was a great year but one can spend too much time with teenagers.  Kyle finished a year of school at Weber State University here in Ogden and has been working with the college basketball team.  He will be moving up the ladder next year from team manager to video coordinator!! We are very excited and hoping this will give more opportunities in the future as well. :)
We teach the CTR 6 kids in church and we have soo much fun! They are so sweet and cute and chatty! 
We just passed our 2 year mark of a wonderful marriage and are looking forward to what the future brings for us.
Here we come summer!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

6 Months!

Well, Kyle and I have happily made it to 6 months of being married!! Life is awesome! Life is fun!
I noticed today that Natalie and I chose the same layout for our blogs...great minds think alike!!! :D
Kyle recently got a job at the Bountiful Costco, so he gets to commute for a little bit now when I go to school just down the street at Ogden High School instead of in Kaysville.
 We attended an endowment session at the Salt Lake City Temple a few weeks ago and it was amazing! We were on our way to Bountiful one Saturday and Kyle decided to keep driving and we attended Salt Lake instead. Wonderful idea! It was beautiful and we got to spend some time together in the Holy Temple.

 Halloween came and left really quick this year. We did get a pumpkin, but I waited until 2 days before so it was really cheap. This allowed me to get a 30 pounder for a real good price!! Kyle was a little shocked at the size of the pumpkin I bought. I don't mess around with my halloween pumpkin! haha Earlier that week I was given a small pumpkin from school that they used in a preschool activity. So I carved it up too!! Here was this years creation!
Sadly, we did not have any Trick or Treaters.  I was prepared, but when no one came by Kyle and I were given the opportunity to eat a bit of candy that I had stashed in the cupboard.  I am still eating the last of it with some chocolate cravings I've got after school.  :P

Then came our 6 month anniversary on November 13.  It was a Sunday, so we didn't go do anything special, but we decided to make chinese for dinner.  We LOVE chinese! So we had just a couple egg roll wrappers left, a few veggies and meat that would work, and extra fortune cookies we had snagged from a restaurant a bit earlier, and had ourselves a great meal! We cooked together and watched a movie and then had to do the dishes together because cooking chinese uses a lot of pots and pans!

I have recently been applying for a couple jobs in the area for when I am done student teaching.  No word from them yet but am looking forward to hearing something shortly. Tune in later!

We are thankful for everything the Lord has blessed us with, our marriage in the temple, Kyle's job, our home, and our family.
Thanks everyone for your love and support!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

'Katchup' in One Post

Well...give me an F because it took me 9 months to make a post. :P Kyle gets after me all the time when he looks at his siblings posts'. Let's see what Jared and Steph are doing... and lets see if someone who hasn't posted in forever has made a post for me to read..." the stinker!!
So here you go love!!! and also here to all the friends and family!

I am going to copy my sista' and do a list of updates for this revamp in my posting! Enjoy!!

-Kyle received his endowments at the Columbia River Washington Temple on April 16, 2011
-Christine completed her last semester of classes at BYU (thank goodness!) and walked in the graduation ceremony on April 22, 2011.
-Christine received her endowments at the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple on April 23, 2011
-Kyle and I got married on May 13, 2011 in the beautiful Portland, Oregon Temple. Friday the 13th! We are THAT awesome!
-Spent our honeymoon in Paradise!! (Montana that is)
-Bought organic ketchup with tasted totally awesome and we're never going back! (I had to talk about ketchup somewhere to tie in my post title hehe)
-Went camping to Mount Rainier Nat'l Park with Dad and Mom Hendricks and Blake. Spent a few more days in Paradise!! (Washington this time hehe)
-When on a double date with a couple friends to hike Punchbowl Falls in Oregon.
-Moved to Ogden, UT on August 5, 2011
-Went jet-skiing on Bear Lake for Erick's Birthday (Karyn's fiance of 2 more weeks!)
-Attended 5 rodeo's to see some of the Weston family ride and see cousin Jack ride bareback horse
-Spent a weekend with cousins Jack and Sheralee Dunbar in Randolph, UT ridin' horses and helping move people.
-Christine started student teaching at Fairfield Junior High in Kaysville, UT. (I'm surviving and loving it!!)
-Took Kyle to IKEA for his first time. "The most awesome furniture store you will ever see in your entire life." It's ginormous!
-Christine today got called to be the ward choir pianist. So excited!!!

So we are living well in Ogden, UT. Settled into our apartment home and getting used to paying our own bills. :P
We are thankful for everything the Lord has blessed us with. From people loaning us furniture, to my scholarships, to being able to fix our own car (with James' help), and the wonderful ward we have been placed in.
We love each other and our home and are excited for forever!!